Friday, November 24, 2006

How to Keep Stress Out of the Car

How to Keep Stress Out of the Car

By: Ken Snowie

We’ve all experienced it: it’s morning rush hour, you have five minutes to get to work, and you are stuck in traffic because of a major accident on the highway. The stress of being late for work makes your blood boil or it’s the evening rush hour, and you’re late to pick your child up from day care. You narrowly avoid an accident because of a careless driver. Your stress level is through the roof.

Driving is a major source of stress. Between traffic congestion, construction delays, road rage, and accidents, being in the car has never been less enjoyable, or more nerve-racking.

Another cause of stress is in the cost to maintain your car. There are insurance, astronomical gas prices, and maintenance costs. This can be a huge financial burden. This can be compounded if you have an older vehicle that requires a lot of extra case and maintenance.

As a parent, you might have to drive your children to school, various activities, or social events. This can be a major stress source; aside from the traffic, you may have to deal with fighting or entertaining the young children, all while remaining focused on driving safely. This can be a big source of tension.

Driving and the stress that goes with it is a fact of modern life. There will always be potholes, traffic jams, other rude drivers, and irritable passengers. There will probably be construction delays on your way to work, to the store, or to school. There will be times when you wonder if you’ll be able to make it.

There are ways to deal with these unavoidable driving stresses. Try playing some calming CD’s that help you shut out the stresses, but also let you concentrate on your driving. You will be able to deal with stresses and situation in the car better if you have some minor distractions like pleasant music.

You can also change the route you take in the morning, in order to avoid construction, traffic jams, etc. Even if the route is a little longer, if it is less crazy, you will be too.

You might also consider leaving five to ten minutes earlier than usual. You won’t be in such a rush, and you will be surprised how much a difference those few minutes will make in your daily commute.

Almost everyone has to drive on a daily basis. The plan should be to make it as enjoyable as it can be in order to avoid anxiety. Chances are you will not be able to rid yourself of driving stress in one day. Many of us have become so accustomed to driving stress that it is almost habitual. But, by making the best out of our necessary commutes and trips in the car, it is possible to alleviate driving-induced stress greatly.

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If you would like more information about coping with the stresses of driving refer to

Coping With Stress

Coping With Stress

By: Paul

Stress is something that is routine in the life of a professional or even householder. In fact it plays an active role in giving rise to acne. It is really necessary to cope with stress by learning a few ways to relax. By relaxing, you will not only relieve yourself from acne but also learn a meaningful way of living.

You can try out several methods that keep you away from stress such as taking a bath, shopping, going for a movie, visiting places etc. Do not brood over the issues relating to office or your household duties.

Join a health center nearby that provides you with spiritual training such as yoga classes. When you get this education you will acquire a moral foundation within you, where you will learn to cope up with any type of problem. The wise old techniques of relieving stress such as ‘Pranayam’ is relevant even today. It is very effective as it balances your mood swings. Meditation is a complete spiritual activity and therefore a very powerful means to calm your state of mind. Relaxation is very necessary and if you are totally relaxed and stress free, you will be free from acne as well.

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Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit To learn more visit

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Coping With Stress in The Workplace

Coping With Stress in The Workplace

By: Ken Snowie

Stress at most jobs is unavoidable. It could be caused by a boss who is very demanding, or a coworker who doesn’t pull his or her weight. Or maybe you have a typically stressful position, such as medicine or law. While some stress on the job can drive you to succeed and be healthy, too much can be very bad. It can cause many health problems and be detrimental.

Because of this, it is important that learn effective stress management techniques for the job. While many stress-inducing factors may be out of your control, like dealing with you boss, there are ways to cope that could save your life.

The average number of hours of work has gone up eight percent in one generation---to 47 hours a week. One out of five Americans work as much as 49 hours a week. This can be a great source of stress, not just at work, but at home too. A high rate of divorces is credited each year to long hours at work.

It is important to realistically assess the hours you work each week. Can you cut back and still get the job done? Can you delegate your tasks to co-workers? Can you develop a more flexible schedule? If you consider these options, your job-related stress can diminish significantly.

Overworking can cause many health problems. You might become sick more often, which will force you to call in sick at work. Work absenteeism is costing American companies a lot of money, which makes workplaces less productive.

Americans also feel a great deal of stress because they no longer feel secure in their jobs. Layoffs and company bankruptcies have exploded in recent years. With very little job security, employees live in constant fear that they will not have a job the next day. And because of this, people worry about their retirement funds. It is because of these factors that employees now have little loyalty to their employers, stress for both all parties involved.

Because the workplace climate has changed, it is important that our own outlooks change as well. Employees need to try to reduce their stress, even though they might not feel secure in their jobs. That might mean opening a separate retirement fund and making regular contributions toward retirement. If you work on being proactive, chances are your stress levels will decrease. Face the fact that you are in charge of your destiny, and take control of your future. You will feel a sense of freedom, and less unhealthy stress.

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If you would like more information about stress in the work place visit

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Control in Time Management

Control in Time Management

By: Ken Snowie

Control is having the power to manage ourselves. When we have control of our lives, then we have the ability to manage anything that comes our way. No one can control every aspect of life, but we can maintain some control over what happens to us.

It is important to keep in mind that all things in life have an effect on us somehow, and when we are trying to learn time management, we need to consider that. The process of time management is complicated, but once mastered, makes life much easier. In order to develop an effective time management plan, you need to consider all areas of your life, and evaluate where your time is spent.

In thinking about how you can better manage your time, you need to consider all factors: time with family, friends, work, yourself, etc. You must prepare yourself for the little crises that are inevitable in life. This is the start of how to learn to control and manage your time. There is no end to managing time, but if we are able to do it, life will be easier and less stressful.

When considering how we can control our time management, you must consider such aspects of life as entertainment, relaxing, meals, dressing, and other things that form your life. Think about where you spend more time than you need, and figure out where you could use that time to make your life better. Eliminating wasted time in one realm of our lives and putting it somewhere else can help to build and solidify relationships, aid in stress relief, even help you do your job better.

One place where you can concentrate on controlling your time is at the workplace. Not using your time wisely or spending too much time on a project that can be delegated to other co-workers can make your job stressful, routine, and even boring. Taking control of your time will allow you to take on more meaningful projects, and be more valued as an employee. Control and management of your time is the best way to get the most out of your work, and your life.

Article Source: http://mywebauthor.comDiscover more about time management and goal setting by visiting

Claim Your Abundance

By: Dr. Mitzi Lynton

Claim Your Abundance

Dr. Mitzi Lynton

We live in a beautifully diverse and abundant universe. We are immersed in a magnificent, glorious array of color, sight, sound, smells and feelings. Yet what do many of us choose to focus on? Our lack. We focus on what we don't have. In so doing we miss out on what we do have, the infinite magnificence and abundance with which we are surrounded. Are you claiming your good? Are you calling it forth now or are you focusing on what you don't have?

It is a spiritual law, a universal principle, that what we focus on increases. Yet it can be challenging in the midst of a "crisis" to find the good, to claim it and call it out. It is so much easier to focus on the negative. Think for a moment, though, of the vast array of books that have been written. More than enough for any one person to ever read. That's an example of abundance. Think of the plant and animal kingdom, more species than any person could possibly ever remember or name. That's abundance.

The next time you are choosing to believe and focus on lack rather than abundance as the governing principle in your life I invite you to state aloud: "I accept abundance and truth in this situation right now. I release any attachment to the belief in lack and limitation. I let it go and I claim my good now! I accept that my thoughts, feelings and actions are now in harmony with the Divine natural state of abundance and that all is well." As you do this allow yourself to feel these words coursing throughout your body. Breathe them in and know that it is truly done unto you as you believe.

Article Source:

Dr. Mitzi Lynton is a spiritual visionary, assisting in shifting global consciousness from fear to faith, peace and joy. Her inspiring keynote speeches, seminars and presence transform and motivate both secular and interfaith audiences, awakening them to deeper purpose and calling them to create the world they desire. and

Are You Wasting Or Investing Your Time?

Are You Wasting Or Investing Your


Time is the most precious value we have. Time is the greatest equalizer
of human beings. If we don’t ant to admit his and to treat time with
respect then we will only have to lose. It doesn’t matter if you are
rich or poor, healthy or sick, you will only have 24 hours a day either
way, and you should try to use them wisely.

Most of the times, we waste our time and energy worrying and thinking
about things like how to win more money and how to leave a better life.
Well, when we do this we usually forget about the most important think
– the time to live our life in. A wise man will always tell you: “You
can always make more money, but you can never buy more time”.

How many times are we aware of the ways we invest our time? And the
word “investment” is the most accurate because the way we choose to
spend our time is a true investment in ourselves and our own lives. And
you will never find the true value of time in the way people around you
act and talk.

People usually spend time for hours in front of the TV, or they spent a
lot of time browsing the net with no purpose whatsoever. Some of us
even try to steal more time with the cost of many healthy sleep hours.
If you wake up earlier in the morning just to smoke a few cigarettes
and to fill your self up with coffee so you won’t feel sleepy it
doesn’t mean you won quality time. Also, inefficient work or spending
more hours at work that you have to is equal to borrowing your life to
someone else.

Everyone always says things like: “I’m just counting the hours to go
home” or “I wish it were Friday” on a Monday and so on. These are just
signs that those persons usually waste their time. If you organize our
time efficiently and if you choose to do only activities that motivate
us somehow, then we will find ourselves able to work everyday without
feeling tired or sleepy.

At any moment that you just let time pass by you think about what
Romans said:”Carpe Diem” – it has a great meaning for our everyday
life, it means “Live the day” or better said “Organize your day”. Make
more time to analyze the way you invest or waste your time. And never
forget that you can’t tell anything about tomorrow so “Carpe Diem!”


Ken Charnley is a personal finance enthusiast with

dedicated to quality information on online loans. For all your online
loan needs visit and apply for loans online

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