Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Claim Your Abundance

By: Dr. Mitzi Lynton

Claim Your Abundance

Dr. Mitzi Lynton

We live in a beautifully diverse and abundant universe. We are immersed in a magnificent, glorious array of color, sight, sound, smells and feelings. Yet what do many of us choose to focus on? Our lack. We focus on what we don't have. In so doing we miss out on what we do have, the infinite magnificence and abundance with which we are surrounded. Are you claiming your good? Are you calling it forth now or are you focusing on what you don't have?

It is a spiritual law, a universal principle, that what we focus on increases. Yet it can be challenging in the midst of a "crisis" to find the good, to claim it and call it out. It is so much easier to focus on the negative. Think for a moment, though, of the vast array of books that have been written. More than enough for any one person to ever read. That's an example of abundance. Think of the plant and animal kingdom, more species than any person could possibly ever remember or name. That's abundance.

The next time you are choosing to believe and focus on lack rather than abundance as the governing principle in your life I invite you to state aloud: "I accept abundance and truth in this situation right now. I release any attachment to the belief in lack and limitation. I let it go and I claim my good now! I accept that my thoughts, feelings and actions are now in harmony with the Divine natural state of abundance and that all is well." As you do this allow yourself to feel these words coursing throughout your body. Breathe them in and know that it is truly done unto you as you believe.

Article Source:

Dr. Mitzi Lynton is a spiritual visionary, assisting in shifting global consciousness from fear to faith, peace and joy. Her inspiring keynote speeches, seminars and presence transform and motivate both secular and interfaith audiences, awakening them to deeper purpose and calling them to create the world they desire. and

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